Wow I'm torn on this one. Complicated situation, but in the end, neither JWs OR Russia are doing the right thing. They're both bad guys, and this town ain't big enough for the two of them.
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Tass: Police detain local leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Moscow
by Festus inthis is from tass.
a criminal case has been opened in moscow over the resumed activities of a jehovah’s witnesses admin center.
although russia’s supreme court outlawed the extremist organization back in 2017, the center has been active since june 2019. apart from moscow, searches were carried out in more than 20 other regions throughout the country, izvestia writes.. work to ferret out the banned cells of jehovah’s witnesses has been going on for several years.
2020-Articles Of Association--Bylaws--Notice Of Special Meeting! (as of 2020-11-25)
by Atlantis in2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
neat blue dog
Yes please and thank you! 🍺
Yet More Apostate Damage Control
by neat blue dog inunbelievable.
okay actually it's very believable.
check out the latest video on jwdotorg:.
neat blue dog
Unbelievable. Okay actually it's very believable. Check out the latest video on JWdotORG:
In it the GB helper rails against many major apostate talking points, mentioning specifically the criticisms of how child abuse cases are handled, the financial cutbacks and downsizing, dogmatic statements of prophecy made in literature in the past, and more. (How do they know this, are they looking at apostate material? Naughty naughty!) And of course the thrust of the whole talk is we need to strengthen our spiritual strength to avoid being stumbled if we hear these things. He goes on to say:
We are being reminded repeatedly that Jehovah is using the Governing Body to give us the good things that we have.
Then he says that it all comes down to having faith in these two things:
This is God's word, and the Governing Body is the channel that Jehovah has been using.
Nothing at all about faith in Jesus but no surprise there. I guess he got bronze.
2 vaccines on the way! Satan's henchmen and evil minions come through again!
by nowwhat? inas jehovahs people how thankful we are we can rely on satan's world for providing the technology to allow us to have zoom meetings.
and providing physical food as well through the farmers to families food program.
and now we are blessed that soon yes very soon!
neat blue dog
It's called 'sucking the breasts of kings', don't you know? 😏
Good News Covid vaccine on the way !
by RickJones inlatest news announcement is that there are two companies that have developed a vaccine for the covid virus which they say they will start being distributing to the public in a matter of weeks.. one comes from a company called moderna (94.5% effective) and the other is from pfizer (90% effective).
if all things go to plan you could see things return to normal once the majority of the general public is vaccinated by easter of next year.. yoo hoo .
neat blue dog
Good. Even if it works as a placebo at most, at least maybe the economy and society can recover somewhat, that's the real problem.
''Faith in Action'' video....Jesus Disciples depicted with ''field service bags'' and preaching with ''Scrolls''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a screenshot from a video on
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
neat blue dog
Yes, it's amazing how much JWs read the Bible and never realize this. Jesus clearly told his disciples to go preach publicly town to town, in the square. The "house" was only ever for lodging. Still they HAVE to insist on twisting it to fit the door to door ministry, otherwise they'd lose one of their key proofs that only they have the truth.
This morning's WT: mundane miracle and another hint
by neat blue dog inmore proof of god's backing!.
on friday, april 19, 2019 .
a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the memorial of jesus’ death.
neat blue dog
More proof of God's backing!
on Friday, April 19, 2019 . . . a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the Memorial of Jesus’ death. We are moved to stay focused on the Kingdom work when we reflect on our privilege to see and to be a part of this modern-day miracle.
Ummm . . . Yeah, no, that just lines up with very standard demographics: Current number of active JWs, plus inactive JWs and family members who go to this 'service' every year like it's Easter, plus a very relatively few 'interested' people.
Then there's possibly another alluding to 2034 . . .
Consider what happened in the days of Noah. Jehovah proved that he is the perfect Timekeeper. Some 120 years in advance, Jehovah fixed the time for the Flood to begin. Decades later, Jehovah commissioned Noah to build the ark. For perhaps 40 or 50 years before the Flood began, Noah continued to work hard. Despite facing an unresponsive audience, he kept preaching the warning message until Jehovah said that it was time to bring the animals into the ark. Then, right on time, “Jehovah shut the door.”. . . Soon Jehovah will bring the Kingdom-preaching work to a conclusion; he will “shut the door” on Satan’s system of things
children's medical care / women's health care
by neat blue dog ina recent jwdotorg article called refusal of blood transfusions "children's medical care", and that reminded me of the often used phrase "women's health care".
funny how both are euphemisms for death..
neat blue dog
A recent JWdotORG article called refusal of blood transfusions "children's medical care", and that reminded me of the often used phrase "women's health care". Funny how both are euphemisms for death.
Collapse of JW Org - Possibly on the Horizon?
by JWTom inthis topics get a great deal of discussion here.
what i find interesting is even some of my pimi family is embracing the reality that all is not well with and that many current jws are just going through the motions due to not having a good way out of the org.
wondering what could realistically lead to the collapse of in the not distant future?
neat blue dog
we may end up with women leading the Org....
That's okay with head coverings lol
I don't believe there are 8 million JWS
by Hotpepper inwith all the closing of halls.
and all the csa cases.
and all the jws not only slipping out the back door.
neat blue dog
You're right, there are really over 20 million, if counted by the standards of any other religion. On the other hand, the 8 million figure is active PUBLISHERS, including many unbaptized children and adults who have been hanging on the fence for many years, so it's really less from that perspective. It's hilarious but ask any JW how many baptized JWs there are and probably 99 percent would say 8 million. Fact is, the figure has never been publicly revealed.